Pilot Awards
The CoREST repressor complex as a mediator of RNA splicing and tumor growth
Leveraged Finance Fights Melanoma — MRA Pilot Award
Rhoda Alani MD, Boston University
Targeting ASAP1-induced transcription factors in
metastatic uveal melanoma
ACIS — MRA Pilot Award in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
Shannon Odelberg PhD, The University of Utah
Epigenetic determinants of melanoma progression and immunotherapy response
The Denise and Michael Kellen Foundation — MRA Pilot Award
Alfonso Bellacosa MD, PhD, The Research Institute of Fox Chase Cancer Center
A drug-binding assay platform to optimize therapies for RAS-mut melanomas
MRA Pilot Award
Poulikos Poulikakos PhD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Identifying genetic sex biasing factors in melanoma progression
The Denise and Michael Kellen Foundation — MRA Pilot Award
Nora Engel PhD, Temple University